Never believe a site that has bob saying how muc he benefited from the site.........
A site that explicitly shows a testimonial from a customer is not genuine 1 in 10 cases. Simply because a genuine site would not build only upon testimonial and 9 in 10 cases a site that is genuine will not display testimonial on its homepage(some cases are there though). So always remember that just because Bob , Tom ,Harry,June ,Hitesh says to have benefited from the site ,don't waste your time on it.
But there are other sources of testimonials that take testimonials that you could find on places not affiliated to the site itself or the members of the site. This would involve you blog scouting , googling ,yooin(Yahooing) or don't know how , but finding such believable source of testimonials. I would simply say use your common sense.
If you are into these get rich quickies, visit all the get rich quickies that you can find, then use your discretion and decide if it is worth spending time on. The most important thing is visit as many as possible. There are genuine ones out there OK, if not genuine, if you can hitch a ride at the right time, you might stand to benefit...
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